Meet Dr. Barbieri of Vein Clinic of Kansas City

Vein Doctor Kansas CityYou doctor usually asks you all of the questions and knows you inside and out. But how much do you know about your doctor? Dr. Barbieri wanted to make sure you knew a little bit about him, and maybe this will make you feel more comfortable coming in a chatting with him and our staff. While we work in a clean medical office, we are a very warm bunch who loves to be here for you whenever you want to talk. So, we asked the doctor a few questions, and here are a few things you probably didn’t know about Dr. Barbieri that you can chat with him about about next time you come into the clinic.

Favorite Restaurant

“My favorite restaurant is always in flux. We rarely get out during the week with our schedules so on weekends, in the winter, we tend to frequent close-to-home stops like Grand Street Café, Blue Moose, and the recently closed Carlo’s Copa Room or we meet friends at downtown/Crossroads area restaurants. In the summer, during free weekends, we are at Lake of Ozarks and love to go to Bentley’s and all the on-water establishments.”

Favorite Kansas City Event

“My favorite Kansas City event doesn’t exist anymore. The Elvis parade that used to be downtown was always such great fun. Maybe some organization can resurrect this for all of us Elvis junkies.”

Favorite Kansas City Sports Team

“I follow both the Royals and Chiefs regularly and I am trying to learn more about soccer and hope to become a Sporting KC fan. I attended Pittsburg State so the Gorilla’s are also on the top of my list of favorites.”

Favorite Season

“Any season that is not winter is a season I love. I will take shorts, bathing suits, and outdoor fun in the sun anytime over grey skies and heavy jackets.”


“My hobbies have changed over the years. I used to love golf until work and life got in the way. Now I enjoy boating on free weekends during the summer. Although, now my biggest priority is seeing my granddaughter. She has stolen my heart, and I have the most fun with her. I see her any chance I have.”

Favorite Holiday

“I love all holidays . . . it usually means time off work and with my family instead . . . and lots of things like sweets in excess. Halloween is probably at the top though. I really enjoy dressing up and going out, and now that I have a granddaughter, I have even more reason to love it.”

Favorite Thing About Work

“Being a “Vein Dr.” is fantastic! I love going to work every day. My office staff is so amazing. They make my job look easy. I can’t say enough about them. We are able to take a patient’s problem – one that has been usually ignored for years – and change how they feel and think about themselves. I love making people feel better about themselves.” 

Make an appointment today to visit Dr. Barbieri in our Kansas City vein clinic. We are positive he will make you feel relaxed, comfortable, and confident in treating your vein issue. Call us now at 913-541-3377.