Changing Tides and the Cost of Medical Services

Evolving Vein Care: Embracing Change for Better Health

Obamacare. Affordable Care Act. Universal health care.  These are names we hear constantly.  They usually evoke the emotions of fear, uncertainty and change.  Those of us in the medical field are still learning how this will affect our patients and our practices.  Most likely, we will encounter nuances as they happen and apply to daily events in the clinic.  I cannot say how this will affect vein disease and my practice with any certainty.  I can say, however, that change can be good.  There are good ideas buried deep inside Obamacare ideology.  But, if not administered correctly and cohesively, as shown thus far, it could mean the beginning of the end of medical practices that we are accustomed to.

One glaring issue we face at alarming rates it the rise of deductibles and co-pays.  Not only are patients avoiding “getting their veins fixed”, they are avoiding healthcare in general, as they do not want to incur additional bills.  I’m not sure if this is what Obamacare was intended to do but it is happening every single day.  Those of us in private practice know the advantage that we offer in personalized care, flexibility of scheduling and improved outcomes.  To each his own.  Maybe I am showing a little bit of aging, but I hope as the Affordable Care Act’s 2400+ pages come to reality, we see on-going amendments to the current rules and a return to independent medical business leading the way to healthier patients and the dream of small businesses kept alive.