Is SculpSure the Right Choice for You?

A woman holding a tape measure and looking at her waist with her hands on her hips.

SculpSure, the first FDA-cleared laser treatment for non-invasive fat reduction, is a great body contouring option. However, it’s not the best option for everyone.

If you’ve considered body contouring options, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Is SculpSure right for me?” Find out who The Vein Clinic of Greater Kansas City recommends for a SculpSure treatment, and whether or not it’s the treatment for you.

Who’s a Good Fit for Body Contouring?

  • Someone who leads an active, healthy lifestyle. SculpSure is perfect for targeting those tough spots that just won’t budge, despite regular exercise and healthy eating habits.
  • Women dealing with post-pregnancy fat. After pregnancy, it can be difficult to get back to where you were before. SculpSure is actually ideal for the “baby fat” that sticks around, because its warming, non-invasive nature provides the best chance of tightening the skin as you lose the fat.
  • Busy individuals who can’t fit downtime into their schedule. If you’ve looked into other methods of fat reduction and body contouring before, but couldn’t manage the downtime of surgery, SculpSure may be the answer. Because SculpSure treatments only take 25 minutes, and require zero downtime afterwards, it’s a great alternative to parents who need to still pick up the kids later, or the professional who’s only downtime is their lunch hour.
  • Patients who can “pinch an inch.” Patients considering SculpSure should be able to pinch an inch of fat in the area of concern; if you can’t, SculpSure isn’t the right treatment for you.
  • Someone with realistic expectations. The ideal SculpSure patient must remember that SculpSure takes some time to produce results. SculpSure isn’t an ‘easy out’ alternative to regular exercise and a healthy diet, it’s simply a tool to help those already making healthy choices tackle problem areas.

What to Do When SculpSure Isn’t Right for You

If you can’t “pinch an inch,” or otherwise don’t quite meet the profile of a good candidate, SculpSure isn’t going to get you the results you’re looking for. Depending on your needs and expectations, our staff may be able to recommend another treatment. For example, if your goal is to tighten up sagging skin beneath your chin, Ultherapy may be a better fit.

Related Read:  Vein Clinic of Greater Kansas City – Treating Everything from Clots to Cosmetics

Whether you’re ready to schedule your SculpSure appointment, or you’re looking for other treatment options, give The Vein Clinic of Greater Kansas City a call at (913) 541-3377.