Frequently Asked Questions About Ultherapy

A blonde woman's face with arrows showing what a procedure would do.

The Vein Clinic of Greater Kansas City has been offering Ultherapy to our patients for some time. This non-invasive procedure can be used to transform the brow, chin, neck, and chest, as an alternative to more traditional lifts and surgeries.

Despite the amazing results Ultherapy patients see, many people in the Kansas City area have never heard of Ultherapy! Read on to learn more about how this incredible, rejuvenating procedure works:

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How Does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to stimulate the collagen that already exists in your skin. The process jumpstarts collagen building, create a smoother, tighter appearance in the treatment area. In just two to three months, the treated area feels firmer and looks years younger.

Take a look at the Before & After photos!

Is Ultherapy Safe?

Ultherapy is FDA-approved and has helped thousands achieve a more youthful appearance. Some patients experience mild, short-lived side effects such as redness, slight swelling, or tenderness.

Does Ultherapy Hurt?

While everyone’s discomfort threshold is different, patients typically report little pain during their procedure. The minor discomfort most patients experience is normal and only denotes the activation of the collagen-building process.

Is There Downtime?

Because Ultherapy is a non-invasive alternative to surgery, there is no downtime following the procedure. Patients leave their appointment comfortable, happy, and excited to see the results!

When Will I See Results?

While every patient is different and responds differently depending on their age, laxity of the treatment area, and their own repair process, there is a general window in which we expect results. Skin will become firmer over the next two to three months following the procedure, and some patients even experience collagen-building for as much as six months!


To schedule your Ultherapy appointment, or learn more about how you can look younger in just three months, call The Vein Clinic of Greater Kansas City at (913) 541-3377.